Endometriosis Treatment In Delhi

What Is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a critical gynecological condition in which a tissue similar to the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. In this situation, the endometrial tissue grows on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and bowel of the female, along with extending towards the tissue lining of the pelvis.

The hormonal changes happening in a female's body severely affect her menstrual cycle, which affects the misplaced endometrial tissue. This leads to severe pelvic pain, inflammation, and scar tissue in the pelvis, further making it harder for a female to get pregnant. Also, the endometrial tissue keeps on growing thick with the passage of time. At one point, it will reach its maximum growth and eventually break down. And since the broken tissue has nowhere to go, it gets trapped in the pelvic region.

Females who have endometriosis need to understand that it is a common gynecological condition that affects a considerable percentage of women. Hence, you are not the only one. Also, due to various advances in the medical field, this particular problem can be cured by undergoing an endometriosis treatment in Delhi. Thus, there is nothing that you need to worry about.

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Symptoms Of Endometriosis

The symptoms of endometriosis vary from female to female. Some women might experience mild or moderate symptoms, while some might face extremely painful symptoms. However, one should be aware of the fact that the severity of pain and discomfort does not necessarily indicate the stage of endometriosis. You might feel mild or moderate pain while being at a serious stage of this condition. On the other hand, some women might also experience agonizing pain during the start or middle stage.

Furthermore, irrespective of the stage and severity, pelvic pain is one of the most common conditions that women experience when suffering from endometriosis. Apart from this, you might also experience some or all of the symptoms mentioned below.

  • Extremely painful menstrual cycle
  • Pain in the lower abdomen before and during periods
  • Painful cramps one or two weeks after the menstruation
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Infertility: inability to conceive
  • Pain during and after performing a sexual intercourse
  • Discomforting bowel movements
  • Lower back pain during periods

Also, you need to understand that it isn't necessary for a female to experience these symptoms while suffering from endometriosis. Some females might experience no pain or any other symptoms but might still be suffering from this condition. Hence, it is crucial for females to schedule gynecological check ups that will further allow their gynecologist to pre-determine any issues and monitor changes, if any. Doing this becomes extremely essential in case a female is experiencing two or more symptoms of the above mentioned ones.

Endometriosis Treatment In Delhi

Even though endometriosis is a common gynecological issue now, these conditions should be taken seriously as they can severely disrupt a female's life if left untreated. Also, women need to understand that endometriosis is a non-curable condition, but its symptoms can definitely be managed.

Clearly, every female suffering from this problem wants quick relief from pain and other symptoms. They can either undergo surgery or opt for other medical options suggested by their gynecologist in order to get relief from pain and other suffering. In most of the cases, the doctor first tries various conservative treatments in order to better the symptoms. However, an endometriosis treatment surgery is the only solution available in case the condition is not improving at all.

During the early stages of endometriosis, it would be difficult for females to undergo various diagnoses and treatments. Also, as the symptoms start kicking in, women might face various fertility issues and pain and will lose hope due to the incurable nature of this disease. This will not only affect their physical but mental health as well. Hence, it is suggested that females should educate themselves about this condition and consider seeking some reliable support.

We at Delhi IVF Clinic support our patients at each and every step of the treatment in order to ensure that they do not lose hope and maintain their willpower as well.

Some of the most commonly preferred endometriosis treatment options used by doctors are mentioned below.

Medications for pain reduction

Hormonal therapy: Taking supplemental hormones

Hormonal contraceptives

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and antagonists


Conservative surgery: Laparoscopy

Last-resort surgery (hysterectomy): In very rare cases!

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Stages of Endometriosis!

Endometriosis basically has four stages. These stages are determined by different factors, including the number, size, and depth of endometrial implants.

Stage 1: Minimal Endometriosis

During the minimal stage of endometriosis, small lesions or wounds and shallow endometrial implants are found in a female's ovary. The presence of inflammation in or around the pelvic cavity is also possible.

Stage 2: Mild Endometriosis

Mild endometriosis is a condition in which light lesions and shallow implants are present on the patient's ovary and the pelvic lining.

Stage 3: Moderate Endometriosis

The moderate stage of endometriosis indicates deep wounds and implants on the ovary and pelvic lining.

Stage 4: Severe Endometriosis

The last stage of endometriosis is termed as the severe stage. Apart from deep implants on your pelvic lining and ovaries, this stage involves lesions on the fallopian tubes and bowel as well.

How can endometriosis be diagnosed?

There is a possibility that the symptoms of endometriosis can be similar to other gynecological conditions, including pelvic inflammatory diseases and ovarian cysts. Hence, it is very important for you to get a diagnostic test and determine whether you are suffering from endometriosis or not.

There are different methods that doctors use in order to diagnose endometriosis and also determine the stage/severity of it. Some of the most common ones are mentioned below.

Physical examination

Physical exam



In addition, the doctor will also note your present symptoms and check your personal and genetic history related to endometriosis.